Self-regulation through the lens of task participation

I have been pondering for quite some time whether to dive in and give my opinion on the topic of self-regulation or regulation in blog format. Well, the first draft of this blog became quite lengthy so I’ve rewritten it to hopefully be more concise and informative… Turns out that there is quite a lot […]

What I Want Every Teacher to Know

While still living in England, I wrote a series of blogs aimed at teachers, for Potential Plus UK. They are a UK based national charity that supports families with children who have high learning potential (HLP or gifted), including those who have dual or multiple exceptionality (DME/2e). I thought it a good idea to also post the […]

Teacher, This is How You Can Help a Child with Handwriting Difficulties

Girl doing homework

This is the second blog in a series of six, which I originally wrote for Potential Plus UK, and which was first published on 30 June 2021. I believe that what I shared in this series not only applies to teachers and the UK, but parents and carers, and within the Australian context too. Happy […]

Katy is a Jiggler! How to Help that Child who is Constantly on the Go

This is the third blog in a series of six, which I originally wrote for Potential Plus UK, and which was first published on 1 November 2021. I believe that what I shared in this series not only applies to teachers and the UK, but parents and carers, and within the Australian context too. Happy […]